CELTA Cambodia Face-to-Face

Course Fee: USD 1,700
On the CELTA, you will:
- take part in 120 hours of input, observations, and observed teaching practice over 4 weeks
- attend input sessions that cover topics essential for effective teaching
- study with your trainers and peers throughout the day so you will always be able to ask questions, seek clarification and get lots of practical ideas and advice from your trainers
- teach eight 45-minute observed lessons to group classes of real students, using a variety of teaching techniques and lesson frameworks
- receive constructive feedback on the observed lessons
- have access to a range of reference materials for you to use over the duration of the course
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CELTA Cambodia Online

Course Fee: USD 1, 600
The 100% online Cambridge CELTA course offers the same content and same certificate as to any other CELTA course. The skills, knowledge, and experience that you will gain on the online course are identical to those on a face-to-face CELTA course, and you still get extensive contact time with experienced Delta-qualified tutors and six hours of observed teaching practice. The only difference is that you can complete the online course wherever you are in the world, so you can save on the usual expenses of flights, visas, and accommodation.
On the CELTA, you will:
- take part in 120 hours of input, observations and observed teaching practice over 5 weeks
- participate in interactive input sessions, covering topics essential to both face to face teaching and online teaching
- study with your trainers and peers throughout the day so you will always be able to ask questions, seek clarification and get lots of practical ideas and advice from your trainers
- teach eight 45-minute observed lessons online to group classes, using a variety of teaching techniques and lesson frameworks
- receive feedback on the observed lessons that will include constructive suggestions as well as ideas about how the lesson could be adapted for a face-to-face classroom
- have access to a range of self-study materials, reference materials, and teaching videos for you to use over the duration of the course
- receive a full Cambridge CELTA certificate just as you would on a face-to-face CELTA course - there is no indication on the certificate that the course has been completed online, as it is still the same course.
I.T. Requirements for the Online Course
- A laptop or desktop computer with Zoom, a camera, and a microphone
- A recommended internet speed of 5 Mbps or a minimum of 600 kbps
A Detailed Typical Daily Schedule for Face-to-Face and Online Courses (5 days per week)
On face-to-face courses, two input sessions covering the topics of the syllabus will be delivered by CELTA tutors most mornings. These sessions will include practical advice that you can apply in your afternoon teaching practice sessions and in your future career as a teacher. There will be a 15-minute break between the two sessions.
On online courses, a large portion of the input will be completed through self-study in the Cambridge Moodle platform in conjunction with participation in the course forums. These forums will give you an opportunity to work on tasks with your colleagues and will be one of several ways in which you can ask questions to your tutors. You will be provided with a schedule for completing the units in Moodle, but you can work ahead if you prefer to complete your self-study in the evenings. There will also be eight 1-hour live sessions led by course tutors who will provide additional input, demonstrate teaching techniques, set up written assignments and answer questions. These live sessions will begin around 10:00 a.m. Cambodian time.
- 11:30 - 12:00: Supervised lesson planning
Most lesson planning will be done outside of the hours of the course, but tutors will provide assistance with lesson planning the day before you deliver your lessons and briefly discuss the lesson plans with you again on the day of the lesson. Early in the course, this assistance will include the materials to be taught and a suggestion about the teaching approach to be followed. As the course progresses, you will be gradually given more autonomy for planning lessons.
- 12:00 - 13:15: Lunch break
- 13:15 - 15:45: Teaching practice*
There are six hours of assessed teaching practice spread across the four weeks of the course. Typically, that would consist of eight 45-minute lessons. On days that you are not teaching, you will be observing your peers. There will also be additional unobserved teaching practice sessions to allow you get to know your students. You will have the opportunity to teach different types of lessons to students from two different levels so that you can experience a variety of approaches and learner needs.
- 16:15 - 17:15: Feedback on teaching practice*
You will have the opportunity to reflect on your own lessons, share feedback with your peers and receive constructive feedback from course tutors that you can apply to future teaching practice lessons. After discussing your lesson, the tutor will provide you with a written report that will include additional feedback and advice.
Outside of the regular course hours
This is when the majority of lesson planning and work on the four written assignments will be done. You may also observe experienced teachers outside of the regular course hours a few times during the course.
*Note that these times are approximate and may vary depending on the number of trainees on the course.
Source: CELTA Syllabus and assessment guidelines: July 2021 edition. 2021.
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The students in one of the CELTA's Teaching Practice sessions